The Priestess of Rodona


A world where the gods ruled human lives. The highest form of existence that was worshipped in all possible way. The more humans sing praises or offer prayers and the more these gods became supreme. In return, gods bless humans with protection, power, prosperity, and life. However, some gods were forgotten completely, causing their very existence to also vanish from the world. All their statues, city and temples were washed away by time, abandoned by their once loyal believers. The struggle to continue existing begin even for gods and wars between them started. Goal? To rule the world and all its living humans. So what can humans get when they followed a god that could win the war in the end? Immortality. Even kings or queen desired a never ending life, allowing even the church to rule above them because of it. But this story is about a girl who received a holy command and started to travel and spread her own goddess name. A goddess that blesses death...

Associated Names

author: The_Cheshire_Cat

genre: Fantasy

 Latest Release
Group Release Time
webnovel Chapter 97 2020/07/04
webnovel Chapter 96 2020/07/04
webnovel Rodona 95 2020/07/04
webnovel Chapter 94 2020/07/04
webnovel Chapter 93 2020/07/04
webnovel Chapter 92 2020/07/04
webnovel Chapter 91 2020/07/04
webnovel Chapter 90 2020/05/27
webnovel Little anoucment 2020/05/24
webnovel Chapter 88 2020/05/24
webnovel Chapter 87 2020/05/18
webnovel Chapter 86 2020/05/15
webnovel Chapter 85 2020/05/15
webnovel Chapter 84 2020/05/15
webnovel Chapter 83 2020/05/12
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