Love & Lies : Is it wrong to love some one my system.


What is love? An easy question to ask but hardest to answer. For some one it is when your heart beat raise when he or she walked toward you, it is sometime when a single smile of her make your a bliss, or may be it is when you wanted to say even a "hi." but your courage realize it's limitation. Yes it can also be a limitation for your dream and happiness. Sometime it can be your focal point of your world, it has many form that is why many writer had tried to explore this felling called love but no one in the history had found truest meaning of this feeling called love and that is why when someone try to explain the love it's nothing more than a white canvas of lie. But in the history few has understand the love and they had filled the canvas of lie with a beautiful color of their blood and so the true meaning of love can be found with a single rose of blood and ties. hard to understand right? so lets go and understand it with my system of love & Lies. ********************* the image use is not mine i am just using it for now and the real creator : Lura. if any of you guys like the image and want to search for more like this you can find it in pinterest and the creator name is given above. ********************* hello guys ill be writing and posting chapter daily. And would request for powerstone as i am currently participating in the prompt competition if you guy's liked it.. thank you for reading...

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author: Shubham87557118

genre: Magical Realism

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